Immigration Controversies
Despite controversies that rage over immigration, it is hard to see how anyone could be either for or against immigrants in general. First of all, there are no immigrants in general. Both in the...
View ArticleTurnout Time
Some of us this election year don’t even want to say the words “Clinton” or “Trump” — and with good reason. However, there is one word that we should keep in mind: “Turnout.” If we sit home in disgust...
View ArticleThe Left’s Vision
The political left keeps announcing, as if it is a new breakthrough discovery of theirs, that life is unfair. Have they never read Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,” more than two...
View ArticleHas Economics Failed?
It is especially painful for me, as an economist, to see that two small cities in northern California — San Mateo and Burlingame — have rent control proposals on the ballot this election year. There...
View ArticlePainful Choices: Part II
In most Presidential election years, the most important vote is the vote for President of the United States. This year, the most important vote looks like the vote for control of the Senate. Regardless...
View ArticlePainful Choices
Let’s talk sense about the election. Nothing is to be gained by refusing to face the hard facts. What are those facts? First of all, neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump has the qualifications, the...
View ArticleWhat Now?
The good news is that we dodged a bullet in this election. The bad news is that we don’t know how many other bullets are coming, or from what direction. A Hillary Clinton victory would have meant a...
View ArticleWhat Now?: Part II
As the post-election shock of some, and the euphoria of others, both begin to wear off, the country and the new administration will have some very serious problems to face, at home and abroad. How...
View ArticleBackward-Looking ‘Progressives’
People who call themselves “progressives” claim to be forward-looking, but a remarkable amount of the things they say and do are based on looking backward. One of the maddening aspects of the thinking,...
View ArticleDemocrats and the Nazi Card
Dr. Thomas Sowell is off this week. The following column is by Larry Elder. Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the odds-on favorite to become the Democratic National Committee’s chairman, had a long...
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